My boss (Judy Roberts-she's the best!) was very nice and let me work on this tonight. Thank you!! Went to a PC Plus upstairs, went to ListenNJ, clicked on Self Help under Nonfiction, saw that the first book is ideal:
The 10-Minute Stress Manager
by Emmett Miller
Emmett E. Miller, M.D., the renowned holistic physician and author, brings you a truly effective stress-management audio program.
Clicked on it, and then realized it said "join waiting list". Sigh. Well,
101 Ways to Transform Your Life
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
101 Ways to Transform Your Life by bestselling author, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, is a wonderful collection of "thoughts" that can lift you up each day. It is filled with Dr. Dyer's profound...
is available, so I clicked add to cart. Then proceed to checkout. Selected Ocean County Library :) and put in my library card number. Got this screen:
Check Out
Please review and confirm the selections in your cart before proceeding with check out.
101 Ways to Transform Your Life
Lending period: 10 days
OverDrive Audio Book (burn to CD allowed)
I clicked confirm checkout, and then clicked to download the software. I chose to open the Overdrive Media Player but it wants to save anyway. Um librarians upstairs, it's on the path C:\ProgramFiles\OverDriveMediaConsole\
It's installed and I'm downloading. Saving the book to desktop. Checkmarked the book. My it's taking its sweet time to download. Okay it's downloaded, I double clicked on it, it brings up a little screen with ListenNJ on top and on the bottom half cause it's kinda split it has Parts on the left and Media Markers on the right. Over ten media markers it looks like. And woot, it's playing! Ah the markers are like what I have on my DVD player at home, you can skip ahead every five minutes. So the seconds are ticking by. Yay!
Wait-I don't have to return this audio book, right? (Thinks back) Oh right, it just expires. Cool. Okey dokey, my next to last thing is history! (Oh and btw, I was nice and removed the OverDrive from the desktop and I clicked on Add/Remove Programs and removed it from there too, so we're all good.) So yeah, that was kinda cool, and if for some reason I'm not able to get to the library and need a book, I do see myself doing this at home for instant access. Technology rocks :)
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