Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thing number 8: Rss and Bloglines newsreader

Well actually, I was looking forward to this one because I was one of the people that had no idea what "RSS" was. I'd be reading in Livejournal and see the little orange icon but didn't know what it meant. Now I do, and it's cool. Oh and thanks to J*** from Ocl Web Things for answering my question about feeds.

I did join Bloglines, and currently have 13 feeds, which I'm sure will increase by the next posting. Some of the feeds are:'s living
Ocl Web Things Challenge :)
Upcoming Events at Jackson Branch
My town's weather from Weather Underground
Uploads from windyfontaine, my flickr account
and, where I read and write and post fanfic.

Also subscribed to a few blogs from my coworkers (so I can sigh with envy at how good theirs is, lol).

It's actually much easier than I thought it would be. Oh and the video from Commoncraft of RSS in plain english was kinda funny, but also informative. I got a little distracted by the hand continually tossing things away, but it is good for the first timer. Note-If you are one of my friends and have no idea what I'm talking about and just clicked this link to be nice, this is where you can find a copy of it-apparently there are many from a short search of YouTube:

So now I'm actually thinking, hmm, where do I normally go a lot that would have an RSS feed? And well, I think I got it, except there isn't one for the WeatherChannel that I could find easily so I went with Weather Underground. I also looked on beading magazine sites and Bob's Rock Shop show calender, but nope. I guess some things I'll just do the old fashioned way, lol. Actually though, I probably will still go to all the web sites, because that's what I'm used to doing. It takes a little time to get used to new things. I am glad I now know what feeds and RSS are though, so thanks OCL!

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