Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thing number 13,

Ah,! Actually, this one I already know, courtesy of Staff Development Day 2007. I took the class on social bookmarking with and loved it. I already have an account, and some bookmarks, and for this exercise added the tagging buttons to my Internet Explorer again-when I updated IE the buttons disappeared.

I listened to the podcast and watched the Common Craft video and watched/listened to the ottergroup tutorial, and I'm sorry, but the Common Craft one was much better. The 8 minute ottergroup tutorial, at least on my home computer, had a tiny little screen that I could barely see, and wouldn't get bigger no matter what I tried. I tried saving it and watching with Windows Media Player and it was no go. So I finally just watched it on the webpage, but it was distracting trying to listen and keep up with the tiny changing screen and it didn't really help me much at all. It was much easier just to surf around the site itself.

Went to the OCL Webthings favorites, and heh, you tagged itself! Ooh, and Netlibrary and Worldcat too. Cool. If you want to look up AdwareBlocker in the search box, you'll find Ad-Aware 2007 Free - Lavasoft-it was saved by one lone person-me, aka windyfontaine. Now let's see, click on a bookmark-okay, I clicked on the saved by tons of people link and yes, saw the user notes and tags. Some were to shopping, some to books, etc.

As for research assistance, most definitely. If you search search, say, searchengine, you get a load of search engines. I like to use, which is saved to my favorites. It's a meta search engine page. Plus now I'm probably going to be using it to access my bookmarks anywhere-I only had a few on for the class, but now that a lot of places I visit on the web are using it, it's reminding me that I can use that more often.

Finally, tried to add the tags like OCLWebthings has, but it looks different. Hmm. I'll work on that later-still have a bunch of things to catch up with :)

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